online directory information

Click on each tab below to see the information under them.

You can call (218-879-1535) or email ( the church office with any questions you have about the directory.

We are excited to be offering an online church directory! It contains most members, staff and some active friends of the church. The directory is password protected and only available to members of our church family. You control how much information you want to share. If you would like more information about CTRN directories, you can check out their video about them here.

To Get Registered:

  1. First, check your email! CTRN sent an email to many of our members in mid-February of 2019. Search "CTRN" to see if you were one of them!
  2. If you can't find/don't have that initial email, but were a member at that time, call or email the church office. Even if you weren't sent an email, we may have an account already assigned to you.
  3. If you're a new member, call or email the church office for your initial login information.

Once you have this information, click either the "Desktop" or "Mobile" tabs above for information on how to access your account.

If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to contact the church office.

We hope that you use, learn from, and enjoy our new directory!